Rare and remarkably dense with the highest melting point of all elements melting at 3,422 °C.

Size 10

Tungsten Rings: Properties, History, and Care

Is Tungsten Good for a Ring?

Tungsten has been a popular material for making jewelry, particularly rings, in recent years due to its durability and scratch-resistant properties. But is tungsten a good choice for a ring? The answer is yes, and here's why:

Overall, tungsten is a great choice for a ring due to its durability, scratch-resistant properties, hypoallergenic nature, and affordability. It is important to note that when shopping for a tungsten ring, it is important to look for pure tungsten, not tungsten carbide, as tungsten carbide can be brittle and prone to cracking. Pure tungsten is a strong, durable, and long-lasting material that makes it a great option for anyone looking for a high-quality ring that will stand the test of time.

What's the History?

Tungsten is a chemical element with the symbol W and atomic number 74. It's a dense, silvery-white metal that is known for its high melting point and resistance to corrosion and tarnishing. These properties make it an ideal metal for use in a variety of applications, including jewelry making.

The history of tungsten as a metal for jewelry making is relatively recent, but it has rapidly become a popular choice for ring enthusiasts due to its durability, shine, and affordability. Tungsten has only been used for jewelry making since the 1990s, but it has quickly become a popular alternative to more traditional metals such as gold, silver, and platinum.

Properties of Tungsten Rings

One of the main reasons that tungsten is such a popular metal for jewelry making is its properties. Tungsten is a dense, heavy metal with a high melting point and excellent resistance to corrosion and tarnishing. This makes tungsten rings durable and long-lasting, which is perfect for daily wear.

Tungsten is also known for its natural, metallic shine that gives it a beautiful appearance that is perfect for use in jewelry. Unlike other metals, tungsten does not fade or change color over time, which makes it a great choice for those who want a ring that will look as good as new for years to come.

Caring for Tungsten Rings

Tungsten rings are known for their durability, but they still require proper care to maintain their appearance and functionality. Here are some tips for caring for your tungsten ring:

With proper care, your tungsten ring can provide you with a beautiful and durable piece of jewelry that will last for years to come. Whether you're looking for a statement piece or a simple, understated ring, a tungsten ring is a great choice.

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If you are in-between those sizes,
we recommend ordering the upper limit.

US/Canada UK/Australia
5 J
6 L
7 N
8 P
9 R
10 T
11 V
12 Y
13 Z

Dont know your size?

Download Printable Guide

or use the methods below

Method 2: Measure an existing ring
  • step 1. Select an existing ring
  • step 2. Measure the inner diameter
Ring Size Inner Diameter
US 5 15.7 mm
US 6 16.5 mm
US 7 17.3 mm
US 8 18.1 mm
US 9 18.9 mm
US 10 19.8 mm
US 11 20.4 mm
US 12 21.5 mm
US 13 22.2 mm
Method 3: Measure your finger
  • step 1. Cut a strip of paper
  • step 2. Wrap it around the finger
  • step 3. Mark the spot, where paper meets
  • step 4. Measure with the ruler (mm)
Ring Size Measurement
US 5 49.2 mm
US 6 51.8 mm
US 7 54.5 mm
US 8 57.0 mm
US 9 59.2 mm
US 10 62.3 mm
US 11 64.2 mm
US 12 67.5 mm
US 13 70.1 mm

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